Reverence for the earth starts with observation. The knowing eye sees beauty and wisdom everywhere.

Farming is often an exploitative process. The Falaha Center uses biodynamic and regenerative practices to create a bountiful and beautiful landscape. Forest management practices are combined with forest farming to produce speciality mushrooms and maple syrup. Wildflowers are mixed with cultured varieties to create soulful flower bouquets. And laying hens are given free access to pasture, watched over by a pair of very charming and chatty guard geese.

In 2022, the Center began working with Sunfleck Consulting, an agroforestry firm that specializes in helping people manage trees to solve problems. Funded by the land itself, using proceeds from the sale of shiitake mushrooms, we’re creating a long-term forest management plan to reinvigorate the 2.5 acres of forest and riparian areas on the property.